Chartered on May 24, 1982.
The Charter President was the late Lion Ellerby Farr, and the
Extension Chair was the late Lion Ernie Crossland
The North Newmarket Lions are members of Lions international which has 1.4 million Lions members, with over 48,000 clubs, in over 200 countries around the world.
The North Newmarket Lions clubs has approximately 40 active members and always look forward to new members joining.
Our club members organize, advocate, fundraise and volunteer to better the lives of those in need in our community.
We provide Vision and Hearing screening in Newmarket elementary schools, operate a free Coats for Kids program, a reading action program for kindergarten students, help fund Guide Dogs and Support Dog training school, support local families and individuals in need.
A major project for our club and members has been fund raising for the Margaret Behan Hospice. We collect and provide eyeglass recycling to those in need. We provide high school bursaries and support many of the local charitable organizations working in our community.
You would see our members working at the Fairy Lake Artisan’s & Food Truck Festival, the Canada day Festivities, New' Barket, the Terry Fox Run, and the Pet Yalu Walk for Dog Guides.
The North Newmarket Lions Club is home to many past, current, and future Club, District, Multiple District, and International Leaders, including Past International Director (Canada) Tom Gordon (2017-2019).
The North Newmarket Lions Club was voted the Best Lions Club in District A-16, (over 50 Clubs) for a number of years straight.
The North Newmarket Lions Club was awarded the Best Non-Profit Organization at the October 2017 Newmarket Chamber of Commerce Business Exellence Awards.
Now a proud member of the Newmarket Chamber of Commerce, we are always looking for Community Minded People who would like to Make a Difference in their Community.
Lions are Ordinary People Creating Miracles Through Service.
The North Newmarket Lions Club raises money and provides Community Service, so that we can fullfill the needs of the Community.
Please Visit our Club Activities Page to see how we support our Local and Worldwide Communities.